Sign-Up Sheet Instructions

For this to work, you will need to be granted special permissions on the site. Ask Matt Kizer if you need access but do not have it.

STEP 1:  Go to the dashboard.


STEP 2:  Click on SIGN UP SHEETS.   If you do not see that on your menu, then maybe you are not set up on the system as a Moderator.   We might need to fix that, first.

STEP 3:   Click the ADD NEW button.

steps 2-3

STEP 4:  Fill out the slots.   Each slot gets a name.   Mon 1:00pm is a good name for auditions or fittings.    #of people per slot is usually 1, depending on the type of activity we’re signing people up for.


STEP 5:    Save.    That’s it.  If you want to edit this after you save, just list “All Sheets,” and edit the one you want to adjust.

step 4-5