April 6-9 Studio Theatre By Paul Mroczka, John R. Briggs, and Judith Townsend. Directed by John R. Briggs and Paul Mroczka Costume Design by Danee Grillo Scenic Design by Matt Kizer Lighting Design by Kyle Trumble View Archived Program Trailer created by Rebecca Beaulieu More photos are available here, courtesy of Meaghan Corning
Season: 2016-2017

Oedipus the King
By Sophocles; Translated by Nicholas Rudall Part of The Oedipus Cycle, produced with University of New Hampshire and Keene State College. Directed by Elizabeth Daily Choreography by C. Robin Marcotte Scenic and Lighting Design by Matt Kizer Costume Design by Rosie Legge View archived program

Master Class
February 10-11, Smith Recital Hall By Terrance McNally Directed by Fran Page Maria Callas: Eva Nagorka Many: Dan Perkins Sophie: Emily Thorner Sharon: Emily Jaworski Tony: Brendan Buckley Costume Design by Danee Grillo

Stage Kiss
November 17-20, 2016, Studio Theatre By Sarah Ruhl Directed by Holly McCarthy Scenic Design by Rosie Legge Costume Design by Mary Hunter Lighting Design by John Findlay View Archived Program

Carrie the Musical
October 13-16, Hanaway Theatre Playwright: Lawrence D. Cohen Composer: Michael Gore Lyricist: Dean Pitchford Directed by John R. Briggs Scenic Design and Projections by Matt Kizer Costumes Designed by Danee Grillo Lighting Design by Victoria Miller Choreography by Amara Decker View Archived Program

Brilliant Being
September 22-25, Studio Theatre Narrative by Paul Mroczka Choreography by Amanda Whitworth Projections, Scenery, and Lighting by Matt Kizer Costumes Designed by Danee Grillo Developed in a workshop environment with Paul Mroczka, Matt Kizer, Jonathan Santore, Amanda Whitworth, Emily Jaworski, and Charmy Wells View archived program here. View WMUR Chronicle story here. Promotional Trailer: Poster: