A login is required to create or edit bios.
This is the place where you write, submit, and store bios for shows at Plymouth State.
Most old bios are stored with the Archived Bios. You can also find them in online show programs that we still have available. You will find links to the programs for most shows in the Photo Archves. We have included most programs there since about 2015.
What exactly is a bio, and what’s it for?
We typically list the names of the performers and creative staff in a production in the program, with a short statement about them. Most audience members like to see this. They want to read about exciting, developing professionals. So excite them. Tell us about yourself, what you have done in your career so far, and any other interesting things about you that you feel are appropriate for this forum. Be tasteful. Humor is okay, but please sound professional and intelligent.
Why are we submitting bios this way?
Its always a hassle getting all of the bios in. They used to come in on email, slips of varying types of paper, over the phone, and are recited to us in the hallway. We have used different methods to collect them online, in one place. This website will collect them all neatly, and help make sure that they are the right length, and in the right format.
Be sure to also keep your own bio someplace in your own files. You will update it periodically. Other theatres require bios, but do not have a website like this. Maintaining and tailoring a bio is something you should do, just like maintaining and tailoring a resume
I don’t like talking about myself.
- Neither do I, but:
- It’s in the best interest of any theatre company or theatre program to show off its members. Humility is admirable in a person, but institutions have to sell themselves.
- Simply list anything you have to say about yourself that makes you sound interesting and competent. Be honest, but be thorough, too.
I don’t have anything to say.
If you feel that you don’t have enough experience to say anything, then answer the following questions in your own words:
- How old are you, what year are you in, and where are you from?
- What are you looking forward to in your life and/or in your career and/or at PSC?
- What makes you different than the students and other artists around you?
- \What inspires you? Why have you chosen to do this?
The Bio Editing Screen
When you create a new bio you will be taken to the editing screen. It’s pretty easy to use. Most people will want to use the visual editor. You get 100 words. That’s a little brief, but pretty good for a program. Be sure to italicize titles of shows (do not use quotes). Refer to yourself in the third person, too.
When the program is put together, Bios may be edited.
The following was thoughtfully provided by one of our past program editors:
Bobby Joe is a junior (first year, sophomore, senior) Theatre major with an emphasis in (Acting, Musical Theatre, Design and Technology, etc). (Do not type in “at PSU” or anything similar too much – the performance is here, so that’s usually obvious).
Previous appearances (similar words are good, too) include Once Upon a Mattress (Character), Pippin (Character) and Wicked (Character). He currently works at the Shake n’ Bake Theatre Company as an acting coach. (not necessary, only if it truly relates to what you’re doing. We may cut it if it is not relevant to you at the time, due to spacing issues) He’d like to thank G.I. Joe for his love and support through his acting career. Thanks to friends and family for their love and support.
This is an example of what we look for when you submit your bio.
There is only so much space, so please use it wisely. We want everyone to be able to list their past roles (not all but a few you want in there), a few thank you notes, their major, and what year they are in.
These are all things that will most likely be left as written. If we are running low on space,
the excess stuff has a chance of being cut. We are sorry if that happens, but there is always limited space.
Getting the program together is a huge task which must be done quickly and professionally, while gathering information from many, many people. Please follow the guidelines presented here. It is very important.