All Theatre Majors! Please sign up for an end-of-year jury. Juries are short sessions where each major demonstrates some of the work or skills they have accumulated at this point in their time at PSU. We will give feedback and discuss progress and plans for each student as a part of these sessions. More information is available on the sign-up page here:
Category: Sign-Up Sheets

Annual Reviews for Theatre Majors
Formerly known as Juries. These are intended to be a little easier for everyone to manage this year. The theatre major at Plymouth State University has a component in it that has been on hold for two years during COVID restrictions. Two years is a long time for university students. Many of you will not know anything about this. At the end of each year, we ask each student to meet with the appropriate faculty for a professional and academic check-in. Dr. Tulk and I discussed this component at length this morning. Traditionally, they have been referred to as Theatre Juries, using the same language that the Music Program uses for their own majors. The seniors in the program will remember doing these. Beginning this year, we are renaming them as Annual Reviews. Each option within theatre has its own criteria. In the model we have been working from, these appointments were structured very much like an audition or interview. Monologues, songs, and portfolio reviews have been presented annually by all majors, with increasing levels of challenge each year. We will be modifying this model a bit. For the past two years, we have cancelled this step in our process. Read More