Dublin, Ireland: Gaiety School Of Acting

January 6 – 24, 2025

About $3470.00. Deadline to commit: September 30, 2024.

If you are going, sign up here: https://plymouth.showportal.net/sheet/dublin-ireland-gaiety-school-of-acting/

  • Tuition €2150 – includes accommodation and all cultural visits (that’s $2400 USD).
  • Housing includes kitchen facilities.
  • You must buy your own groceries. Anticipate $60 to $100/week.
  •  You must pay for your own airfare.
    • We will coordinate to get everyone onto the same flights.
    • This will be Aer Lingus from Boston to Dublin direct.
    • We anticipate arranging the flights to depart on January 4 and return on January 25.
    • This is about a six hour flight. Add travel to Boston, early arrival, etc. Outgoing flights on Jan 4 depart at 5:50pm or 9:20pm.
    • Arrival will be the next morning. Ireland is +5 hours ahead of us.
    • Airfare is anticipated to be between $300 to $700.
  • As you register for classes for the spring, add TH-3950  Acting Topics: Theatre in Ireland. Do this as a part of your course load.
    • We will process student request forms and apply this course as Acting Company, Theatre Topics, or other pertinent courses as is appropriate for your individual degree path.
    • There is an additional necessary process for the University System of New Hampshire called Other International Experience (OIE).
    • Each student will be charged a $70 fee for the International Travel Assistance and Insurance Program.
  • Timeline:
    • September 30 – October 4
      • Compile names by the end of September.
      • Commit to the Gaeity School of Acting in Dublin via tuition deposit.
      • Book airfare for all travellers.
      • Arrange travel insurance through USNH as OIE.
    • The tentative plan is that Jessie Chapman will travel to Dublin and attend in the first week or more. Elizabeth Daily will attend in the final week.
  • See this on the GSA website here.

Approximate Cost:

GSA Program Tuition$2400.00
Three weeks groceries$300.00
Travel Insurance through USNH$70.00
Approximate Total$3470.00

If you are going, sign up here: https://plymouth.showportal.net/sheet/dublin-ireland-gaiety-school-of-acting/