Last call for students who are interested in running a workshop for high school students
What you need to do: Meet with Jessie before February 5 to write your workshop(s) description and commit to Teaching one-three workshops. If you’d like to receive credit for your workshop(s) you will be able to enroll in a variable 1-3 credit course that will begin AFTER spring break. Your class times will be arranged with Jessie one-on-one (or by group if their is a group of students who would like to teach a workshop collectively). The only thing that needs to happen next week is description writing and scheduling–the rest of the work will happen after Spring Break. I have office hours in Silver Monday & Wednesday 1-2pm–but I can arrange another time with you if this doesn’t work with your schedule. Email if you can’t stop by during office hours.
For reference the workshops are:
Thu May 1 4:30-5:15
Fri May 2 9:30-10:15
Fri May 2 6-6:45
(check to make sure they don’t conflict with your classes)