Steve Blackwood is returning to the Silver Center the week after spring break. He will be working with actors in our program from noon to 1:30 in the dance studio, room 121. Students of Acting II and Directing will convene with him. All Theatre majors are welcome to join if you wish. I You can visit Steve’s IMDB page here:
Summer Work Opportunity #3
Cast and Crew Positions for project being shot in Lincoln, NH. Shoots between June 13-July 6 in Lincoln, NH. Note: Except for Claire, Noah, and Aidan, all cast/crew must be able to self-transport to set. Looking for local hires who can reasonably commute to Lincoln for multiple days. Housing and transportation can be provided if necessary for Claire, Noah, and Aidan.
Summer Work Opportunity #2
This is an email I received from Rien Schlecht at Weathervane Theatre. They are looking for employees this summer and into the fall no matter what availability. Please read on. Hi Matthew, My name is Rien (sounds like Ryan) and I believe we have maybe spoken in the past, not sure. I am the Operations Manager and Resident Designer for The Weathervane Theatre over in Whitefield and I am reaching about a few job openings we are hoping to fill this summer/fall. If you wouldn’t mind passing the info to your students or anyone who might be interested I would be grateful. We are looking for a Props Designer, a Scenic Painter, and somebody who knows their way around projectors and would maybe like a tech floating position. I’m happy to jump on a call if it’s easier to talk about, but I can also start with the posts that I’ve put below, and a link to our website. Let me know if you think anyone might be interested and may have questions. I’m happy to answer anything I can. Here is the website And if anyone does want to apply please have them send materials to PROJECTIONS OPERATOR/TECH FLOATER Be a part of Read More
Summer Work Opportunity #1
Received from a friend. Ohio Light Opera Residencies. May 25th to August 3.
Twelfth Night Dance Party pre-show sign up
Please use this form to sign-up to be a part of the Twelfth Night Dance Party pre-show. You are also encouraged to share this link with others who may be interested. This is a low-commitment volunteer opportunity and the company of Twelfth Night would be very grateful if you are willing to participate. *please note that you are encouraged to sign up for the pre-show on a night/(s) you are NOT attending the show. *we are looking for 10-15 people each rehearsal/performance. The full sign-up sheet is here.
CASTING: Special Collaboration with Powerhouse Theatre Collaborative and John Cariani
We are fortunate to have a unique opportunity to present a staged reading of John Cariani’s new play, Dark Night Bright Stars. It is a sequel to Almost, Maine. The World Premiere of the play will happen at Portland Stage Company this year or next. We are the fortunate ones to get to be the first group to do a public staged reading of the play. Here are the details: Title (Work-in-progress): DARK NIGHT BRIGHT STARS or DARK NIGHT BRIGHT STARS SMALL TOWN or DARKER THE NIGHT, BRGHTER THE STARS or IT GETS DARK HERE by John Cariani Notes for Readers from Cariani: Dark Night Bright Stars is an autobiographical and biographical collection of related short plays that will hopefully shine some light on what it’s like to grow up in rural northern Maine. Rural Americans are largely absent from contemporary American theatre, TV, and film. And when they do appear on our stages and screens, they’re not portrayed with much complexity, compassion, or dimension. I hope Dark Night Bright Stars gives some dimension the complex, compassionate people who made me who I am. Characters*/**: TEDDYSHAYCARLYJAREDSCOTTMARTYSAMCASEYMARCTIFFANYDEREKLILYYOLANDGWEN *These characters are 20+ somethings and include queer representation.**There is the possibility of actors Read More
NHETG Workshops May 1 & 2
Last call for students who are interested in running a workshop for high school students What you need to do: Meet with Jessie before February 5 to write your workshop(s) description and commit to Teaching one-three workshops. If you’d like to receive credit for your workshop(s) you will be able to enroll in a variable 1-3 credit course that will begin AFTER spring break. Your class times will be arranged with Jessie one-on-one (or by group if their is a group of students who would like to teach a workshop collectively). The only thing that needs to happen next week is description writing and scheduling–the rest of the work will happen after Spring Break. I have office hours in Silver Monday & Wednesday 1-2pm–but I can arrange another time with you if this doesn’t work with your schedule. Email if you can’t stop by during office hours. For reference the workshops are: Thu May 1 4:30-5:15 Fri May 2 9:30-10:15 Fri May 2 6-6:45 (check to make sure they don’t conflict with your classes)
ETC “The Show Must Go On” Discounted Tickets
Happy start to the semester! As some of you may know, we (ETC) opened The Show Must Go On this week. Max Shanteler and Samm Johnson are heading up our stage and deck management. Meredith Hoole, Michael Aviles Bramer, Jeremy Maddocks, and Coco Brochu are in the cast alongside 50 other PSU and community members. It is a really fun show! It runs through Sunday at The Flying Monkey. We are happy to offer discounted seats to all PSU students using the promo code: SPOTLIGHT (all caps). You can go to to get your discounted tickets. We hope to see you there!
Cast Lists for Spring 2025 Shows
Many thanks to all who auditioned for Twelfth Night and Just So! It was a pleasure seeing your work and to have so many fabulous choices to cast these roles. This play is one of my favorites and I am ecstatic to get started on it with all of you! IMPORTANT: We need to meet before departing for winter break! We’ll be having essential conversation about how to approach Shakespearean text so that you can begin your text work over the break and come back fully prepared (and as close to memorized as possible) to begin rehearsal. This will be vital to our ability to put this production on its feet in a relatively short amount of time. If possible, we’ll also do a read-through I realize it’s short notice during a busy time, but PLEASE make every attempt to be there, even if it’s inconvenient. Our meetings will be Tuesday, December 3rd 6:00 – 9:00 and Thursday, December 5th 6:00 – 9:00. Please email Stage Manager Leigh Rohe ( by the end of the day on Novemeber 27th and either confirm that you can be there or let them know if you have absolutely unbreakable conflicts. If you’re not Read More
AUDITIONS for Plymouth State Theatre Productions Spring 2025 At the link above, please sign up for a 5-minute audition appointment on either:Tuesday, November 19 • 4pm to 7pm (for both shows)Thursday, November 21 • 4pm to 6pm (for both shows) Instructions: Twelfth Night, by William Shakespeare.STRAIGHT PLAY Elizabeth Cheney Studio Theatre, February 27 – March 1, 2025. Twelfth Night, or What You Will is a romantic comedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written around 1601–1602 as a Twelfth Night entertainment for the close of the Christmas season. The play centers on the twins Viola and Sebastian, who are separated in a shipwreck. Viola (who is disguised as Cesario) falls in love with the Duke Orsino, who in turn is in love with Countess Olivia. Upon meeting Viola, Countess Olivia falls in love with her thinking she is a man.. Just So, by Anthony Drewe and George Stiles.MUSICAL. Hanaway Theatre, April 10 – 12, 2024. Five of Rudyard Kipling’s tales weave together into a wonderous tale of personal courage, individuality and friendship. Set to an eclectic, upbeat score, Kipling’s Just So Stories are woven with wit and imagination into a song-filled journey through the jungle. Tuesday Nov 19: Auditions for both shows 4pm-7:00pm.*** OR ***Thursday Nov 21: Auditions for both shows Read More