Happy first day back! Some of you may have seen…since there is a poster up in the lobby, that the spring musical will be Little Women. I will be directing, and the illustrious Hannah Murray will be the Musical Director! The show goes up February 24-26, audition and rehearsal details will be forthcoming later in the semester. Always -Jessie Chapman
Senior Awards 2021
Each year at Plymouth State University, we honor our graduating seniors for their accomplishments and growth during their time in our program. For the second year in a row, we are unable to hold any kind of in-person convocation or social gathering to properly recognize these remarkable people. In lieu of our traditional ceremony, we are again presenting here, online. We are pleased to present this year’s Senior Awards in Theatre (in alphabetical order). The Plymouth Players Award is also included here, at the end.
Posting Rehearsal Schedules
Just like a real bulletin board, anyone can post a schedule here. This will mostly be for stage managers to use. If you have a project or a scene for a class, though, you may post it here. Select + New –> Schedule. Give the schedule a logical name, such as “Music Rehearsal,” or “Stage Kiss.” Your name and the date you posted it will be listed next to the title. The most recent schedules are listed first. Select the appropriate Ensemble for this schedule. If we have three shows in rehearsal, use this to tell us which cast this is for. The Callboard will use this to sort things out. Enter any text you like into the text field. It is just like writing an email or a blog post. More Help on this is Here.