Congratulations to all who auditioned! We are looking forward to seeing some of you at callbacks tomorrow from 4:00-5:30PM in the Recital Hall. Please note that if you are not called back that does not necessarily mean that you are not cast. Please look for the official cast list that will be posted within the next few days. Character Actors Being Called Back Prince Dauntless Teddy WilkinJackson PloofIan Manning Queen Aggravain Sorchae McMeelHaley SerafineLillian GrahamJoie LynchJoey Goldberg Princess Winnifred the Woebegone Joey GoldbergMeredith Hoole King Sextimus the Silent Colton SturgueMichael Aviles Bramer Lady Larken Meredith HooleJoie LynchOlivia ZottosHaley SerafineAlissa Cutting Minstrel Jackson PloofTeddy Wilkin Wizard Michael Aviles Bramer Sir Harry Teddy WilkinIan ManningCyrus Bowditch Important Note: Callback sides and cuts (materials) have been posted on the callboard in the lounge. Please reach out to Fran ( if you would like digital copies of the sides and cuts. Thanks, Hannah, Fran, and Justin
Category: Announcements

AUDITIONS for the Plymouth State University Spring Semester Theatre Productions
The Secret in the Wings, by Mary Zimmerman. STRAIGHT PLAYElizabeth Cheney Studio Theatre, February 29 – March 2, 2024.A frightening babysitter reads from a book of obscure fairy tales. Dark and mysterious stories come to life with humor and looming disaster. Once Upon A Mattress, by Jay Thompson, Dean Fuller, and Marshall Barer. MUSICAL.Hanaway Theatre, April 11 – 13, 2024.The classic musical with attitude. Princess Winnifred, ungainly and brash, competes for the hand of Prince Dauntless, who must marry a “true” princess before anyone else in the kingdom can marry. Tuesday Nov 28: Auditions for both shows 4pm-9:00pm. SIGN UP HERE Wednesday Nov. 29: Dance Call for Once Upon a Mattress from 6:30-8:00pm. Thursday Nov 30: Callbacks as needed from 3:30pm – 5:30pm. PREPARE AT LEAST TWO OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. Monologue: One selection not to exceed 1½ minutes. 2. A second monologue that contrasts with the first monologue, also not to exceed 1½ minutes. 3. Song: Choose an approximately 1-minute cut of a golden-age piece of your choosing that compliments the first monologue. Please note that the dance call and a song are required for everyone auditioning for Once Upon a Mattress. Questions, email Matt Kizer, Director of Theatre:

A Minor You Very Much Should Consider
At Plymouth State, we offer a rare and pragmatic minor: Standardized Patient Training. Things you should note: Alumni Grace Gilbert and Lindsey Brunelle recently spoke about the minor briefly as a part of a longer interview. Some footage courtesy of WMUR Chronicle. This is a WMUR article on the program made in 2018: Reposted courtesy of WMUR Chronicle.

JANUARY: Gaeity School of Acting in Dublin
International Study-Abroad Intensive during January Break UPDATE: We recorded this session. It is available for viewing here. Tomorrow morning, Wednesday, September 6, from 10:10 to 11:25 we will be holding a panel discussion. We will be featuring performers who have attended the Gaiety School of Acting in Dublin. All of the performers featured will be alumni of Plymouth State University. The Gaiety School of Acting was founded in 1986 and trains actors for theatre, film and television. The school is in Dublin, Ireland. This year they are including a Design & Technology component. Please attend our Zoom panel live so that you have the opportunity to ask questions of participants. We will record the session so that any of you who cannot attend will be able to revisit the discussion.

Theatre Arts Juries 2023
All Theatre Majors! Please sign up for an end-of-year jury. Juries are short sessions where each major demonstrates some of the work or skills they have accumulated at this point in their time at PSU. We will give feedback and discuss progress and plans for each student as a part of these sessions. More information is available on the sign-up page here:

Plymouth State University
Theatre Season 2023 – 2024
War of the Worlds: The Panic Broadcast adapted by Joe Landry Directed by Jessie ChapmanOctober 12 – 14, 2023 • Hanaway TheatreAn alien invasion throws humanity into chaos in the classic sci-fi novel The War of the Worlds–but all it took to cause real-life panic in the streets was Orson Welles’s 1938 radio adaptation, which listeners took for news. Now, ten years later, the WBFR radio ensemble recreates the colorful events surrounding the infamous evening, including the full original broadcast. Complete with vintage commercials and live sound effects, this radio-play-within-a-radio-play is a thrilling homage to the form’s golden age and timely reminder of what fear can do to a society. Godspell composed by Stephen Schwartz with book by John-Michael TebelakDirected by Elizabeth DailyNovember 16 – 18, 2023 • Cheney Studio Theatre A small group of people help Jesus Christ tell different parables by using a wide variety of games, storytelling techniques and hefty doses of comic timing. An eclectic blend of songs, ranging in style from pop to vaudeville, is employed as the story of Jesus’ life dances across the stage. Dissolving hauntingly into the Last Supper and the Crucifixion, Jesus’ messages of kindness, tolerance and love come vibrantly to life. Read More

GLIMMERGLASS FESTIVAL APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM Now Accepting Applications for the 2023 Summer Season! The Glimmerglass Festival is a summer destination in Upstate New York where audiences from across the country and world come to experience world-class opera, musical theater, and cultural events in a beautiful, relaxing setting. We invite students and early career professionals toapply today for one of our highly competitive, paid apprenticeships! Glimmerglass Apprentices experience growth through practical professional training, hands-on experience, personal mentorships with skilled and knowledgeable professionals, and access to a wide range of workshops and weekly seminars. All Apprentices receive $14.20/hr + OT and receive free housing. Apprenticeship Opportunities Include: ADMINISTRATIONBox Office, Communications, Company Management, Development, Events, Finance, Front of House, IT, Operations PRODUCTION A/V, Costume Admin, Crafts, Costume Design, Stitcher, Electrics, Hair & Makeup, Lighting, Prod Admin, Rigging, Scene Design, Paints, Props, Carpentry, Stage Management, Stage Ops, Tech Direction, Wardrobe ARTISTIC ADMINISTRATIONArts Admin, Music Library, Music Operations Don’t miss this opportunity to join a performing arts company that has made acommitment to offer a more inclusive, equitable, and diverse experience for the next generation of theater professionals! The 2023 Festival includes Puccini’s La bohème, Bernstein’s Candide, Gounod’s Romeo and Juliet, Handel’s Rinaldo and a world premiere youth opera, The Rip Van Winkles. Click here to explore details about available opportunities and to learn more about how to apply! Read More

NHETG 2022 Workshop Proposals
Hello, theatre creatures! This fall we are once again hosting the New Hampshire Educational Theatre Guild conference in October. As usual, the conference will happen on Friday, the day immediately after we open our first Hanaway show. Into the Woods opens and then we have an entire day of hosting workshops on Friday October 7. Most of you know what this is all about from past years of hosting and from attending as students when you were in High School. This is always a great day for us. We will be hosting high school theatre students from all over the state and offering a huge variety of workshops and experiences for the day. If you are interested in hosting a session, please email me as soon as possible. We need this schedule delivered to the guild by September 15. I will be building this schedule starting today (Sept 7). Below are images of the schedules from 2019 and 2021. Things to note include: The Plymouth Players host improv workshops each session 1 – 5. There is a thing that goes on every session called Tech Olympics. The seniors will remember this. It is VERY popular and will be back Read More

Three-week study abroad opportunity for Juniors and Seniors The Gaiety School is once again open for international students! This is a three-week acting program in Dublin, Ireland. It’s right on the river by Dublin Castle. This is a long-standing relationship between Plymouth State University and the Gaiety School. We typically attach this program to one of the performance courses offered in the spring semester. Students who wish to participate are expected to pay the tuition plus airfare. Tuition is approximately €1,950, which includes three weeks of housing. Most years, students are there for the first two weeks on their own and are joined by a PSU faculty member in the final days for the showcase presentation. Niki is expressing strong interest in this, and we expect a visit from an emeritus faculty member named Beth as well. 🙂 Let us know which of you are interested. Gaiety keeps space reserved for us, and we like to let them know our general plans as soon as we can.

Fall Course: Solo in a Suitcase
Acting course culminating in a public performance 13238 TH-4810.01 Acting III Tuesday/Thursday 12:00 – 1:15 This is the first time that this concept has been taught at Plymouth State University. Because it is an unusual concept, we want to be sure everyone who might be interested is aware. We will consider signing students in who may not have all of the prerequisites – please do inquire if you are interested! Acting 3 is the highest-level acting class offered at PSU, readying you for moving out into the professional world. Although we will do some skills work, the focus is that each student will write/create, stage and perform a short solo show, going for 20 minutes. The work on this will begin from Day 1, be deeply developed over the semester, and end with 1-2 public performances—we have tentatively secured approval to show them at the Museum for the White Mountains. Everything you need fits into a small suitcase. No special lighting, no sound effects unless you make them yourself—there will be no tech support. Just you, your body and words, creating a world with your audience. This piece can be a calling card, combined with others to tour or put up a show Read More

Tuesday, May 3, 2PM – 4PM Hi, all!In years past, we traditionally have held a convocation-event for the performing arts at the end of the year. This year, we invite all Music, Theatre, & Dance students and instructors to a picnic outside Silver in the Amphitheatre area. We hope to see you there!!!

Annual Reviews for Theatre Majors
Formerly known as Juries. These are intended to be a little easier for everyone to manage this year. The theatre major at Plymouth State University has a component in it that has been on hold for two years during COVID restrictions. Two years is a long time for university students. Many of you will not know anything about this. At the end of each year, we ask each student to meet with the appropriate faculty for a professional and academic check-in. Dr. Tulk and I discussed this component at length this morning. Traditionally, they have been referred to as Theatre Juries, using the same language that the Music Program uses for their own majors. The seniors in the program will remember doing these. Beginning this year, we are renaming them as Annual Reviews. Each option within theatre has its own criteria. In the model we have been working from, these appointments were structured very much like an audition or interview. Monologues, songs, and portfolio reviews have been presented annually by all majors, with increasing levels of challenge each year. We will be modifying this model a bit. For the past two years, we have cancelled this step in our process. Read More

Theatre Season 2022-2023
As sometimes happens, we suddenly had to rethink directors, calendar positions, and titles. We had a list of shows that suited the first production slot. As always, the parameters included calendar time for rehearsals, hitting important dates (such as homecoming), time to build scenery for a given show, appropriate roles to serve current students, vocal parts, necessary creative staff, etc. “The students think we’re doing Into the Woods.” “I know.” “Ha ha.” “It’s not even on the list.” “You know, if we WERE doing into the woods, it would solve almost as many problems as this show. Maybe more” “Yes.” “Actually, it would be better than this one, and this one, too.” “Yes. And better than this one, and maybe better than this one.” “Hmm.” “Maybe we should add it to the list.” “If we end up doing it, some of them are gonna be mad.” “Yes.” “Ha ha.” So, to those of you who might feel misled: Sorry. Also: ha ha. 😀 – Kizer Into the Woodsby James Lapine and Stephen SondheimDirected by Jessie ChapmanOctober 6 – 8 (NHETG and Homecoming)Auditions in April with limited rehearsals following this spring. The story follows a Baker and his wife, who Read More

Charlie Brown Photos are Posted

Little Women: The Musical
February 24 – 26, 2022 The story that you love. The music you won’t forget. Based on the novel by Louisa May Alcott Music by Jason HowlandLyrics by Mindi DicksteinBook by Allan Knee Plymouth State is proud to present this masterful work. As a Broadway musical it opened in 2005, receiving nominations for Tony Awards, Drama Desk Awards, and the Outer Critics Circle Award. There might be no stories that resonate so deeply with women in America as that of the four March sisters living in refined scarcity in Concord, Massachusetts during the civil war. Alcott’s novel is often regarded as especially dear to young women who have grown up in the New England states. The production under development at the Silver Center for the Arts includes young women with lifelong experiences in this region. Regional Director Jessie Chapman claims Concord, Massachusetts as her birthplace. She has practiced her art throughout New Hampshire for decades. The March Sisters Danee Gosselin has been the resident costumer for Plymouth State University since 2007. She is a New Hampshire native and has made many professional contributions to regional theatre throughout the state. One of the great strengths of the Silver Center and its Read More

Glimmerglass Festival Apprenticeship Program
We have had great reports from alumni about working for Glimmerglass in the past. If you are considering summer work, please take some time and look over these materials that were sent to me by Glimmerglass Production Coordinator Wyatt Nyman.

Curious Incident photos are (finally) posted!
The photos here tend to display at decent sizes for web-use. Higher resolution versions are available. Contact Matt Kizer to request higher resolution versions.

Little Women Auditions
LITTLE WOMEN AUDITIONS (SIGN UP FORM AVAILABLE NOW) Little Women auditions will be Tuesday, November 30 from 5:30-8:00pm in Silver room 131Callbacks & Dance Call, will be Thursday, December 2 Callbacks from 3:30-4:50pm in the Recital Hall and Dance Call 5:00-5:30 in the Dance Studio.Casting will be posted on/by December 3rd PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS:Please prepare an approximately 1 minute/ 32 bar cut of a song that is in the style of, but not from, the show and a one-minute monologue of your choice. Be prepared to do a range check or to briefly vocalise as part of your audition. *Please note this production will begin rehearsals over ‘Early Spring’ semesterFirst Rehearsal: Monday, January 10 (rehearsals during Early Spring will be Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm with a lunch breakRegular Semester Rehearsals (until Tech) will be Tuesday/Thursdays 3:30-9pm, Wednesdays 4-8pmOpening: Thursday, February 24Closing: Saturday, February 26 About the ShowLittle Women: Louisa May Alcott’s classic story of the adventures of the four March sisters is brought to vivid musical life in ‘Little Women.’ The story follows the lives, loves, and tribulations of the sisters growing up during the American Civil War. Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy live in Concord, Massachusetts with their Marmee while their father Read More

Standardized Patient Training Courses
Happy Tuesday! As you go through the registration process, I welcome you to consider becoming a standardized patient. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn how to work with pre-professionals in the medical field using your acting skills. It’s a great way to make money when you’re in-between gigs after college. Many teaching hospitals and training institutions hire standardized patients. Additionally, we are the only college/university in North America who offers a minor in standardized patient training. SP skills training is happening next semester on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please consider signing up. Only pre-requisite is Acting I. Thanks! Have a great day! Fran

Recording: Cruise Ship Zoom Discussion 10/19/21
This is the recording of the 75 minute discussion on cruise ship work. It includes in-depth discussion on the benefits and challenges of working on cruise ships, how each panelist got into this work, and many of the unexpected aspects of working in this industry. It was held between the current students of TH2100 Technology for Theatre Professionals, other current interested students, and a panel of alumni from our program from recent history. An email address is listed here for each panelist. The email addresses are visible only if you are logged in to this callboard. Panelists Brady Piper Lynch studied Musical Theatre at Plymouth State (class of ’11) before moving to New York City. After only two months, she booked a 10-month contract on Disney Cruise Lines, as well as her first off-Broadway show. Brady played Belle in a new production of A Christmas Carol entitled Three Ghosts (available on Spotify), and then moved to Toronto to rehearse. In the 2½ month rehearsal process, she learned 5 shows (including The Golden Mickey’s, Toy Story, and Disney Dreams) and understudied three other roles besides her own. Brady sailed 7 and 14 day cruises to Alaska, Hawaii, Western Mexico, and the Read More

Program Bios for Fall Shows, Please!
We have an online tool for maintaining and managing bios. You will find it in the menus above as well as at the link below. Please create or update your bio, and assign it to the appropriate show titles. Submit your bio here.

Roundtable Discussion: Working on Cruise Ships
Scheduled: Oct 19 from Noon-1:15PM A group of about six alumni from the PSU Theatre program will be convening on Zoom. The group has extensive past and current experience working in various capacities on cruise ships. We will be discussing how to get into this work, the pros and cons, and anything else that comes up between the panel and attending students. This roundtable discussion is synchronized for the course Technology for Theatre Professionals this semester. However, the zoom meeting will be open for all theatre majors and minors.

Spring Musical
Happy first day back! Some of you may have seen…since there is a poster up in the lobby, that the spring musical will be Little Women. I will be directing, and the illustrious Hannah Murray will be the Musical Director! The show goes up February 24-26, audition and rehearsal details will be forthcoming later in the semester. Always -Jessie Chapman